Lifestyle diseases may cause infertility in women
Posted: 05/22/2015 03:39 PM IST
Lifestyle diseases are increasing day by day. The study conducted by fertility expert Kshitiz Murdia of the Indira Infertility Clinic and Test Tube Baby Centre has revealed that a rise in lifestyle diseases is increasing the risk of infertility among young women.
The study stated that links between the lifestyle diseases and infertility were gaining validation and Adenomyosis, Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOM) are the three most severe diseases that leads to infertility. In Endometriosis, the tissue lining inside uterus grows outside the uterus. PCOS is also a similar disease that leads to enlargement of the ovary.
The symptoms were prevalent during menstrual cycle in the form of infrequent, prolonged or excessive bleeding accompanied with pain. The signs of these diseases also involve abdominal cramps and blood clots. In case of PCOS, excessive hair growth, acne and obesity can also be witnessed.
"There is strong evidence that factors like age, weight and smoking have adverse impacts on the general health and reproductive capability of a woman," said the study. "The most important thing to be done right now is not to let such disease go undiagnosed," said the study.
There was an urgent need to pay heed to the problem as in many cases people do not get to know about it. The early diagnosis and treatment of the disease can reduce the risk of long-term complications, Murdia told IANS in a statement.
By Lizitha
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