Marital romance of senior citizens gets a second wind
Posted: 04/21/2015 12:33 PM IST
It is a known secret that bonding between the couples starts out strong and subsides over time. But the researchers have proved that people enjoy marital romance if their marriages last longer than half a century.
"As people age, they tend to be more even-keeled, which may help cut down on marital conflict and facilitate regular sexual activity into advanced age," says author Samuel Stroope, Ph.D., an assistant professor of sociology at Louisiana State University.
To know about this, the research team analysed the marriages and sexual outcomes of 1,656 married adults between the ages of 57 and 85 and, while their findings come as a pleasant surprise, they say couples that made it through 50 years of marriage are few. "Additionally, the study used a snapshot in time and therefore cannot prove that length and order of marriage caused sexual frequency," says Dr. Stroope.
As the marriage life is full of responsibilities, the time for love and affection between the partners subsides over time. But if they are successful in leading lives happily for long time, the affection and trust between them builds over time as a result their marriage life is unlikely to break down.
By Lizitha
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