Acid reducing medication increases risk of infections in kids, study revealed

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Acid reducing medication increases risk of infections in kids, study revealed

Posted: 06/22/2015 07:35 PM IST
Acid reducing medication increases risk of infections in kids, study revealed

A study performed by the Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has proved that like antibiotics, acid reducing medications may increase the risk of C. diff. infection by altering the gastrointestinal microbiome.

According to the study, the researchers found that 2.6 percent (17 of 650) of the children diagnosed with C. diff. infection had used PPIs/H2RAs within 90 days, compared with just 0.3 percent (8 of 3,200) of the controls. They analysed that the use of acid-reducing drugs resulted in a seven-fold increase in risk for infection with C. diff. The effect was stronger for PPIs, which are more powerful than H2RAs. The studies have shown that use of medications called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may contribute to C. diff. infection in adults.
The researchers suggest not to prescribe the acid reducing medications for children as they do more harm than good by altering gastrointestinal microbiome.

By Lizitha

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