Autism risk is not linked with Caesarean section, study revealed
Posted: 06/26/2015 07:53 PM IST
Previous studies have linked C-sections with autism, but the recent study performed by the Irish scientist has renounced it stating that Autism spectrum disorder in kids is not linked with the Caesarean section.
The study was performed at Irish Center for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research, Cork, Ireland. The researchers re-examined the data that led to the belief that C-section increases the risk of autism by 21% and also if the siblings of autistic children were autistic.
They also studied that the delivery mode of more than 13400 pairs of siblings out of which one was autistic and found no link between C-section and autism.
"The overall risk of autism spectrum disorder is very small and this most recent work suggests that most, if not all, the risk is not [due to] the cesarean section at all", according to Louise Kenny, one of the lead authors of both studies and an obstetrician and gynecologist at Cork University Maternity Hospital in Ireland.
The study has been published in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry.
By Lizitha
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